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Star P. Davis

Monthly Minutes - January '24

January. It’s been a whirl. I’ve heard some people refer to this month as one long Monday. I can't say I disagree.

In mid-December, I set in motion some changes and I'm so glad I did. Starting on this writing endeavor, getting the site up and running, and posting regularly has been a learning experience. It’s not been easy, but I’ve enjoyed every second. Here I’ll share some of the things I’ve found helpful during this process.


Atomic Habits by James Clear

In the book, the author discusses how small changes over time can make big differences. It’s not about stopping bad habits to change behavior, it’s about who you want to become and working towards it. He gives the steps to make bad habits harder to carry out and good habits more pleasurable. In the book, he gives the links to worksheets and guides to help.

I've adopted the habit of making out a to-do list every morning and crossing things off as I go throughout the day. I might not get through everything, but it's more than I would have gotten done before. Also, I have a bad habit of procrastinating with YouTube or Hulu instead of doing tasks on my list. Because I've switched my thinking and self-image to being a productive and creative person, my habits are starting to change. Now checking things off is more rewarding than two hours in front of the TV. I might not think of watching my favorite shows or channels until the weekend.

I really enjoyed this book and recommend it for anyone wanting to make positive changes.


While I love classic rock, there’s something about easy listening and smooth music that can put me in a creative state of mind. Sometimes when I’m writing, the silence sets a better atmosphere. Other times, I’ll queue up "Write/study with me" videos on YouTube.

The Sherry formula-Study with me.

video preview

When I’m winding down, I’ll let the sultry voice of Samara Joy lull me into a state of content. I discovered her late last year and was impressed by her talent. I believe she can easily stand with some of the great jazz singers of all time.

I'm not the only one who thinks so. She won a Grammy Award for best new artist and best jazz vocal Album for Linger Awhile in 2023.

Samara Joy-Solitude

video preview


I’ve taken to aromatherapy while I’m working. Usually, I burn a candle that has bergamot, lemon, or jasmine. Turns out that some of these have been found to increase productivity.

Bergamot and lemon, for instance, help with stress relief and mental focus. The article below gives recipes for diffusers for different effects.


Though I’m a coffee drinker at heart, I do love the occasional cup of tea. Lately I’ve started drinking an old favorite: Hot cinnamon spice from Harney & Sons. The aroma when you open the tin smells like the best part of a spice shop. The flavor is full and strong. I don’t add anything to this flavor because it stands alone very well. Here are the instructions for brewing the perfect cup of tea from their website

  1. Heat filtered or spring water until it’s boiling.
  2. Pour over the tea sachet slowly.
  3. Steep for the required amount of time.
  4. Remove the teabag for the perfect strength.
  5. Enjoy!

The following is an affiliate link.

Use code: HARNEY10 or HS-TEN for a 10% off discount at checkout!


"Be a bush if you can't be a tree. If you can't be a highway, just be a trail. If you can't be a sun, be a star. For it isn't by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are."

--Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This quote has been on my mind ever since I read it. It's so inspiring to do your best regardless of the "what ifs". Outcomes and others' responses are out of my control. I choose my actions, goals, and responses to others. That's plenty.

Until Next time

I hope your month has been at least a learning experience if not enjoyable. I'm forever brimming with ideas and working on new things. For instance, I'm toying with the idea of adding creative content via a completely different platform in the coming weeks.

If there are any particular topics you're interested in that would benefit our community in the space of well being, mental health, and faith, drop me a note!

Here’s to next month being productive and full of opportunities to get you where you want to be. Talk to you soon!

Be Well

Star P. Davis

I write articles on wellness, mental health, and faith once a week. By providing sighted information and insight from experience, I like to inspire well minds and bodies. We are building a community that takes pride in themselves and their well-being.

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